10 research outputs found

    Object-Oriented Models in an Integration of CAD/CAPP/CAP Systems

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    Selected aspects of methodology of a CAPP system design

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    In this paper the selected aspects of the methodology of a CAPP system design are presented. The special emphasis was put on problems of design features identification and method of design representation. Based on the carried out design features identification process the open structure of design features was worked out. This open structure was the base in the process of elaboration of the CAD application which was thought as a source of design data for a CAPP system. Moreover on the basis of the open structure of design features the formal FMCAD model was elaborated. This formal model is use for design representation purpose. Based on this model the AXI-CAD application was elaborated. The purpose of this application is to model a design of rotational products. The paper is finished with a short example of practical application of AXI-CAD module and some further direction of software development

    An automation of the design production preparation in the NX system with application of the NX GRIP language

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    W artykule przedstawiono metodyk臋 komputerowego wspomagania konstrukcyjnego przygotowania produkcji ze szczeg贸lnym uwzgl臋dnieniem aspekt贸w modelowania geometrycznego. Proponowana w pracy metodyka bazuje na zastosowaniu techniki konstrukcyjnych obiekt贸w elementarnych. W pracy przedstawiono kolejne etapy implementacji proponowanej metodyki, tj.: od etapu tworzenia otwartej struktury konstrukcyjnych obiekt贸w elementarnych po etap implementacji programowej. Ponadto przedstawiono model formalny MFCAD stanowi膮cy baz臋 do podj臋cia prac zwi膮zanych z implementacj膮 programow膮 proponowanej metodyki. Zaprezentowano architektur臋 aplikacji komputerowej dzia艂aj膮cej w 艣rodowisku systemu klasy CAD/CAM - sytemu SIEMENS NX 7.5. Aplikacja napisana zosta艂a z zastosowaniem j臋zyka wewn臋trznego systemu NX - j臋zyka GRIP. Na obecnym etapie rozwoju metodyki oraz oprogramowania mo偶liwe jest modelowanie geometrii element贸w obrotowo symetrycznych, planowany jest jej rozw贸j w celu rozszerzenia pola aplikacji na inne klasy produkt贸w.In this paper a methodology of the design production preparation process taking geometric modelling aspects under special consideration is presented. The proposed methodology is based on application of the design feature technique. In the paper the methodology implementation stages, from the stage of an open structure preparation to the stage of programming implementation, are shown. Moreover, the formal model MF CAD which is a base for undertaking works connected with programming implementation of the proposed methodology is also presented. In the paper the architecture of a computer application working in the CAD/CAM system environment - NX 7.5 system environment is shown. This computer application was written in the internal NX system programming language - GRIP. At the current methodology development stage it is possible to model geometry of the rotational parts but further, development of the methodology in order to expand the application field to other products classes is planned